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このたび、Waffleは、CAFアメリカ(Charities Aid Foundation America)の認証を受け、CAFアメリカのチャリティデータベースに掲載されたことをお知らせします。

米国の寄付者(個人・法人)の方は、CAF アメリカを通じて、Waffleに対する助成・寄付の際に税制優遇を受けることが可能です。


【CAFアメリカについて】 https://validation.cafamerica.org/


NPO Waffle listed on CAF America’s Charity Database.

NPO Waffle is now eligible to receive grants from Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) America.
As a result, our organization is now listed on CAF America’s Charity Database.

This means that U.S. donors can make tax-advanced gifts to CAF America and suggest that CAF America in turn make a grant to Waffle.

Learn more about it here. (https://www.cafonline.org/my-personal-giving/plan-your-giving/tax-effective-giving)

【About CAF America】 https://validation.cafamerica.org/
CAF America is a global grantmaking organization assisting corporations, foundations, and individuals. It streamlines the grantmaking process to eliminate risk and administrative burden. CAF America conducts industry-leading due diligence reviews of international and domestic organizations to ensure that all grants are made to legitimate charitable programs, funds are used for their intended purpose and are in full compliance with all US laws as well as local government regulations.